Pay attention to details, because people will try to insult the intelligence of others. Not getting caught up in mind games is the best strategy, because feeding into stupidity is a sure way to lose. Focus that energy into getting the work done, and not on misguided feelings.
Avoid trying to prove a point, because it is irrelevant. Ultimately, it does not get anyone closer to an end goal. Focusing on being several steps ahead is a better use of time. Why worry about what was instead of focusing on what can be? Therefore, learn to identify the true nature of a problem, and not pointing the finger. The goal is to fix the problem, and not providing a point.
After all, a person might not be capable of doing the job for whatever reason. Work on the contingency before the problem causes a real issue will give a person the opportunity to self correct so that progress is not ultimately lost.
Plus, plans rarely go as anticipated anyway. Having a contingency plan will allow for a mission to be accomplished regardless of short comings. The trick is not to let it happen again. It may sound harsh, but so is insulting peopleโs intelligence.